txt file Disconnect the SSH session I want to get the whole running config from a router of switch automated by. Connect via SSH to an IP address Login with username/password Run the commands: no page show system* show version* show vlans* show trunks* show mac-address* show spanning-tree* show running-config* page* save all the output to a.By default, this will create a 2048 bit RSA key pair, which is fine for most uses. To do this, we can use a special utility called ssh-keygen, which is included with the standard OpenSSH suite of tools.
The first step to configure SSH key authentication to your server is to generate an SSH key pair on your local computer. A10 vThunder Alcatel/Nokia VSR Alcatel 7750 SR Arista vEOS Aruba ClearPass Aruba CX Switch Aruba Mobility Controller CheckPoint Cisco ACS Cisco ASAv Cisco CML images Cisco CSRv1000 (SD-WAN) Cisco. password proxy recovery root router rule server service snmp ssh switch tcp.
Configuration Command 3Com Switch Dynamic LACP.